Nathan’s Priorities.

  • Neighborhood Improvements

    The growth in the Northland is exciting. We need to ensure that our new development is done the right way while staying true to our commitments to existing neighborhoods and businesses.

    Here’s How

    • Collaborate with all Northland Public Improvement Advisory Committee (PIAC) Representatives on projects that improve aging infrastructure in our older neighborhoods.

    • Advocate for the Northland’s share of GO Bonds for sidewalk and street repairs.

    • Create inclusive parks and other public facilities for people of all backgrounds and abilities to enjoy.

    • Continue to improve trash and recycling pick-up as well as snow removal efficiency.

  • Public Safety

    The most important role of city government - Our First Responders are heroes who deserve strong support from City Hall.

    Here’s How

    • Ensure our police officers, fire fighters, and other first responders including mental health professionals have the resources and equipment they need to do their job.

    • Hire more police officers to increase community partnerships and shorten response times.

    • Keep partisan politics out of important policy decisions. Ensure City Hall effectively converses with constituents before voting on public safety measures.

    • Amend Section 502 of City Code to, “Ordinances shall not be passed until they shall have been read on three separate days at regular or special meetings of the Council unless the requirement of reading on three separate days is dispensed with by the affirmative vote of nine members of the Council from at least 5 different council districts.” This would protect against a regionalistic approach to governing.

  • Next Generation

    As a high school teacher, I know our future is bright. But there’s more City Hall should be doing to support our schools, communities, and the next generation.

    Here’s How

    • Prioritize housing policies that keep families together and lower the student mobility rate in our city.

    • Ensure safe routes to school for new and existing neighborhoods.

    • Educator Earnings Tax Credit ($250) for teachers to be used for school supplies purchased out of pocket. Title 1 Schools ($500).

    • The past few years have taken a toll on our education system. Kansas City should make it a priority to support educators in getting the tools they need to support the next generation.